Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ick Week

The past week has been my worst week as far as feeling ill. Standing up just makes me want to throw up so I've spent a lot of time in bed the past few days. I'm still very tired and waiting expectantly for the end of the first trimester.

Nathan and I have been doing research for the past five weeks about the various options regarding Bean's birth. We have decided that we would like to do a home birth using a doula and a midwife. We have done a great deal of looking into the realities of birthing in US hospitals. The statistics are rather frightening. Of all of the most civilized nations, the US ranks dead last in infant mortality. Induction of labor and c-sections have become commonplace without regard for the timing that mom and baby have. There is a great deal of information out there regarding this issue and we have found that it is a rather controversial decision we have made. Every nation in the world finds midwives and home birth to be a valid option. We are the only nation that considers home birth to be something of the past.

So, for us, home birth is the option we feel is best. We have hired a midwife and a dear friend and relative is going to be serving as our doula. If you'd like more information on home birth and why we chose it for our Bean, just let me know.

As for the rest of our lives, things are going well. The boys are settling into the idea of Bean coming and life is going along rather smoothly. Apart from feeling awful, we are all doing great.

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