Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lil' Bean is Looking Good!

We had our first ultrasound yesterday afternoon and Lil' Bean is doing well. Her heartbeat is at 178 beats per minute. There is an old wives tale that says that a high heartbeat means it is a girl. I'm really wanting Bean to be a girl so until we know otherwise, I'm sticking to the heart rate thing and will refer to her as a girl. She is measuring 1 1/2 centimeters at this point and has a nice big head. She really does look like a lima bean at this point. It was very cute!

Nathan said he could tell she was going to be adorable by the wavy lines on the ultrasound! How cute is that?! They took many pics of her and of me. It took them a long time to search for my ovaries and they ended up quitting after finding one. They said there was nothing to worry about though. So apparently I have a shy left ovary! I guess at least one part of me had to be shy.

So, everything is looking great and we're on schedule at this point for the October 2, 2009 due date. Yea for healthy bean!

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