Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bloody Noses and Big Macs

Today has been a bit rough. We are now 12 weeks and 4 days along putting us in the beginning of the second trimester. I seem to have come down with a stomach bug in the last 24 hours which has left me on the pot more often than I'd like. (I know, TMI!)

So there I am this afternoon, sitting on the least comfortable seat in the house dealing with the least comfortable symptom of a stomach bug when blood starts dripping from my face. I have never had a bloody nose in my life, at least that I can remember. Now here I am, on the pot, blood pouring out of my nose. So, like I always do when I don't understand something, I google it. I put in bloody nose and pregnancy and there it is, a pretty common occurrence. Who knew?!

On top of the stomach issue and the bloody nose, I've been unable to discover something that sounds yummy to me today. I've tried all the healthy crap I can muster but much to my midwife's dismay, I am currently waiting on the delivery of two Big Macs and a small fry. My midwife told me that if I must eat crap, I have to eat something good first. So far, I have eaten a slice of whole wheat bread, carrots, snow peas, broccoli, grapes, and three glasses of orange juice. Oh, there were also some hot wings in there this morning. Ooops. Seriously though, the health food isn't cutting it at the moment. So I've sent my dear Nathan off to the Golden Arches to supply me with food that isn't really worthy of being called food. I hope Lil' Bean likes extra cheese!

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