Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bloody Noses and Big Macs

Today has been a bit rough. We are now 12 weeks and 4 days along putting us in the beginning of the second trimester. I seem to have come down with a stomach bug in the last 24 hours which has left me on the pot more often than I'd like. (I know, TMI!)

So there I am this afternoon, sitting on the least comfortable seat in the house dealing with the least comfortable symptom of a stomach bug when blood starts dripping from my face. I have never had a bloody nose in my life, at least that I can remember. Now here I am, on the pot, blood pouring out of my nose. So, like I always do when I don't understand something, I google it. I put in bloody nose and pregnancy and there it is, a pretty common occurrence. Who knew?!

On top of the stomach issue and the bloody nose, I've been unable to discover something that sounds yummy to me today. I've tried all the healthy crap I can muster but much to my midwife's dismay, I am currently waiting on the delivery of two Big Macs and a small fry. My midwife told me that if I must eat crap, I have to eat something good first. So far, I have eaten a slice of whole wheat bread, carrots, snow peas, broccoli, grapes, and three glasses of orange juice. Oh, there were also some hot wings in there this morning. Ooops. Seriously though, the health food isn't cutting it at the moment. So I've sent my dear Nathan off to the Golden Arches to supply me with food that isn't really worthy of being called food. I hope Lil' Bean likes extra cheese!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

172 BPM

We had our second prenatal visit yesterday in order to hear Bean's heartbeat. She had a beautiful sounding heart running at 172 beats per minute. It was so good to hear her and know that she is okay and growing.

I am having a lot more energy lately but am feeling quite a bit more nauseous than I was before. I'm just trying to lay low and keep myself rested but there has been quite a bit of stress around here lately so it has been difficult. I'm sure it will get better soon!

Hope you all are doing well! We'll update again soon.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pickles and Puppies

We are now in week eleven and things are going much easier for me. I have so much more energy now although I do get tired easily if I push it. I'm still eating everything in sight. Nathan recently pointed out that it isn't all that different from before I was pregnant. I've never really been afraid of the food!

I am craving cheese and pickles, not together though. The giant dill pickles that come in a weird little bag are my absolute favorite. I ate 5 pickles yesterday alone. It really is the oddest thing.

Other than the strange pickle deal, life is going well. We have a sick puppy that I have been nursing with a syringe for a couple of weeks now. We still aren't sure if he will survive or not but I'm giving it my best shot. He has been good practice for Lil' Bean. I have to get up several times each night to feed him and check on him. By the time Bean gets here I should be ready for the sleepless nights!

That's all for now. I'll post again soon, hopefully with some pics for all to see. Gotta get that stupid camera fixed first though!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ick Week

The past week has been my worst week as far as feeling ill. Standing up just makes me want to throw up so I've spent a lot of time in bed the past few days. I'm still very tired and waiting expectantly for the end of the first trimester.

Nathan and I have been doing research for the past five weeks about the various options regarding Bean's birth. We have decided that we would like to do a home birth using a doula and a midwife. We have done a great deal of looking into the realities of birthing in US hospitals. The statistics are rather frightening. Of all of the most civilized nations, the US ranks dead last in infant mortality. Induction of labor and c-sections have become commonplace without regard for the timing that mom and baby have. There is a great deal of information out there regarding this issue and we have found that it is a rather controversial decision we have made. Every nation in the world finds midwives and home birth to be a valid option. We are the only nation that considers home birth to be something of the past.

So, for us, home birth is the option we feel is best. We have hired a midwife and a dear friend and relative is going to be serving as our doula. If you'd like more information on home birth and why we chose it for our Bean, just let me know.

As for the rest of our lives, things are going well. The boys are settling into the idea of Bean coming and life is going along rather smoothly. Apart from feeling awful, we are all doing great.