Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lil' Bean is Looking Good!

We had our first ultrasound yesterday afternoon and Lil' Bean is doing well. Her heartbeat is at 178 beats per minute. There is an old wives tale that says that a high heartbeat means it is a girl. I'm really wanting Bean to be a girl so until we know otherwise, I'm sticking to the heart rate thing and will refer to her as a girl. She is measuring 1 1/2 centimeters at this point and has a nice big head. She really does look like a lima bean at this point. It was very cute!

Nathan said he could tell she was going to be adorable by the wavy lines on the ultrasound! How cute is that?! They took many pics of her and of me. It took them a long time to search for my ovaries and they ended up quitting after finding one. They said there was nothing to worry about though. So apparently I have a shy left ovary! I guess at least one part of me had to be shy.

So, everything is looking great and we're on schedule at this point for the October 2, 2009 due date. Yea for healthy bean!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Our House Smells Like Liquid Smoke and I Can't Take It

I am so tired today. It is really rather ridiculous how tired I am. Nathan is cooking downstairs and the whole house smells like liquid smoke. The smell is so nauseating it makes me want to move out.

Today has not been the best pregnancy day! But tomorrow is our first Ultrasound so things are looking up!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baby Blog

There are so many wonderful and unusual things happening for us right now. I thought it would be fun to keep track of those things on a blog so that all our family and friends could see how things are going with Lil' Bean. Despite the calculations of the pregnancy calendar widgets on Blogger, we are actually in Week Nine of pregnancy. Week Nine Day Two to be exact. We went to the Doc on Wednesday last week and everything looks right on schedule and the baby seems to be doing fine. We have our first Ultrasound scheduled for this coming Tuesday and I can't wait to see our Lil' Bean's heartbeat for the first time.

As for me, I'm doing relatively okay. I know many who've had it much worse than I. I am pretty nauseated right now and really, really tired but doing well otherwise. Lil' Bean is already creating a sweet lil' bump on my belly, thrusting me into the comfy pants rather early. I can't fit into a single pair of my old jeans anymore and that moment was rather frustrating. I've moved up two bra sizes (TMI, I know!) and man, are those puppies sore! Lately I'm just trying to keep up with our pace of life without falling asleep at 6 pm. I am still writing for and trying to keep up with my lessons for the Apprentice Program with the Christian Writer's Guild. I haven't been volunteering at the church as much due to being so tired but I'm hoping to get back over there as soon as I get a bit more energy.

Nathan is also doing well and is really excited about this baby. He was pretty nervous at first considering both of our boys came to us well past the diaper stage. He is still a bit worried that babies are too fragile but he'll be fine once he holds Lil' Bean. The boys are also doing quite well. I know that it is so hard for them that I am in bed every day long before they are. They miss me a bit. Hopefully once this first trimester is over I'll be up a bit later.

We'll be attempting to update this blog several times a week to keep you all current on how things are going. We love you all!