Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Bump Continues...

So, I haven't written in nearly a month and a half. I'm guessing anyone who was reading this blog has long since given up on me and will never read it again! Oh well, I'll try to be better but I make no promises.

Life has been crazy busy lately which is great news. It means I actually have the energy to get out of the bed. I'm into my 19th week now and things are going really well. I'm feeling much better and only gag periodically throughout the day rather than every five minutes. We are gearing up for our KDHE home inspection so we can be licensed foster parents. We are hoping to get our first kiddo placement before the end of June. Our house is a complete mess as we try to get things organized for kiddos. We moved our bedroom into my office so we could make our old room the foster kiddo room. It is the biggest room in the house so we'll be able to license for three boys who can all share that room. We're cleaning out closets and every possible nook and cranny at this point which means our house looks like a tornado hit but without the beauty of an insurance claim.

In addition to all of that craziness, we are also working on finding a new job for Nathan. Due to some injuries he sustained in Iraq, he has had some progressively worse problems with his feet. He was told by his podiatrist last week that he needed to find a job where he wouldn't be on his feet for 10 hours a day otherwise, he'd be looking at being unable to walk by the time he is thirty. So, we've got to find another job in a broken economy in a city where over 10,000 people have been laid off since the first of the year. Good luck to us! But seriously, please be praying that the Lord would lead Nathan to just the right job at just the right time.

As for everything else, the boys are doing great and are excited to be out of school in just a few weeks. We're going to work on some things they are behind in over the summer months and see if we can't get them caught up.

The baby is also doing well and as of the last ultrasound he was measuring about a week ahead. Oh, right, BTW, if you're reading this and you don't have facebook or didn't get a phone call from me, our baby is a BOY!

Another BTW - my bump is getting progressively larger...